
Uber is giving away free pizza and $5 rides this week

Written by
Jennifer Picht

Guess what, Uber lovers? The black car app is celebrating its fifth year in New York this week! Can you remember what life was like before the handy-dandy on-demand transportation app existed? Hell, we sure can’t.

To thank every New York patron who uses the app, Uber is hosting a major five-day deal in all five boroughs by offering $5 uberPool flat rates. (Wow, that’s a lot of fives). Oh, and there will be free pizza, because Uber just understands. 

The promotion takes place in one borough each day, so look out for the #UberPizzaParty near you at or follow along on Twitter at @uber_nyc.

Monday, May 2: Staten Island

Tuesday, May 3: The Bronx

Wednesday, May 4: Queens

Thursday, May 5: Brooklyn

Friday, May 6: Manhattan

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