Voters at Donald Trump’s Midtown East voting site this morning were greeted by a scene they probably weren’t expecting: two topless protesters chanting “grab your balls!”
The two women were removed from P.S. 59 on East 56th Street at 8:50am after removing their shirts revealing anti-Trump messages written in black marker.
Protest inside polling station where Trump votes. Two women arrested. #Election2016 #vote pic.twitter.com/YxXKb8NwMD
— Sharon Clott Kanter (@sharonclott) November 8, 2016
The protestors missed the mark by a few hours, however, as Trump didn’t vote until later. He still didn’t get through the experience completely unscathed, encountering a number of boos on his way to the polling station as well as protestors shouting “New York hates you” and “We don’t want Trump” once he arrived at P.S. 59
Here's a video of @realDonaldTrump getting booed on his way to vote for himself... pic.twitter.com/l0zWQrpFS9
— Harrison Greenbaum (@harrisoncomedy) November 8, 2016
VIDEO: Donald Trump gets booed as he arrives at his polling place. pic.twitter.com/CJcmBIt9Zl
— Anup Kaphle (@AnupKaphle) November 8, 2016