Before you rush off to CVS to get that dumb little something for that special someone on Valentine’s Day, consider taking a trip to Times Square, instead. On February 9, the Times Square Alliance is unveiling, HEARTBEAT, an interactive public-art installation, which, as the name implies, is a sculpture of a gigantic beating heart that allows you to get in on the rhythmic action.
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Designed by Brooklyn architecture firm Stereotank, HEARTBEAT, according to its creators, pulses with the “rhythm of a strong, deep and low frequency heartbeat sound which changes its rate as visitors approach, move around and engage with it by playing various percussion instruments and joining the base rhythm of the heartbeat.” It also lights up. The piece is the winner of the Times Square Valentine Heart Design contest, an annual competition meant to promote the Crossroads of the World as a romantic destination. (As its website puts it, “There's no better place to say ‘I love you’ than Times Square.” And if you’re thinking of getting hitched there, consider asking Times Square Elmo to be the best man, or maybe Spiderman to be the flower girl.) HEARTBEAT will be thumping away in Father Duffy Square for a month, at which point it’ll almost be time to head over to CVS for Easter presents.