
This robot lawyer could help you get out of your next parking ticket

Written by
Jillian Anthony
Photograph: Courtesy CC/Flickr/slgckgc

Sick of handing over your money to Uncle Sam for parking tickets you don't agree with? A robot could help you get your next one overturned—for free.

The DoNotPay bot, invented by a teenager, has helped overturn $4 million in fines since 2014. It's simple: You answer the bot's questions about the circumstances of your ticket, and it generates an appeal on your behalf. New Yorkers have used the app more than 9,000 times to appeal traffic tickets, Venture Beat reports. Originally started in the UK by 19-year-old Joshua Browder, the bot has won 160,000 of 250,000 it's taken on.

“I think the people getting parking tickets are the most vulnerable in society,” Browder said. “These people aren’t looking to break the law. I think they’re being exploited as a revenue source by the local government.”

DoNotPay helps out Londoners and New Yorkers currently, and has plans to spread to Seattle next year. Browder hopes to release a bot that helps people get compensated after flight delays and helps refugees apply for asylum.

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