Feeling like crap? Glade can help you turn your frown upside down!
Prepare yourself for all of the feels, channel your inner muse and turn your emotions into art thanks to an interactive exhibit dubbed The Museum of Feelings.
Just in time for the holiday season, the sensory (and free!) showcase portrays the beautiful connection between scent and emotions as Glade uses its fragrances to make you feel either optimistic, joyful, invigorated, exhilarated or calm within the different rooms.
Just think of the museum itself as a giant mood ring—the color of the building will change based by the temperament of the city, which is determined by scraping data from social media. Every time a New Yorker talks about the museum online, the color changes. And it's pretty!
When you go, make sure to check out the MoodLens—Glade partnered with Twitter so you can take an emotionally generated selfie and post it to your feed. Just let it all out, man. Let it all out.
Brookfield Place, 230 Vesey St (themuseumoffeelings.com). Mon–Sat 11am–9pm, Sun 11am–7pm. Through Dec 15.