
This new Brooklyn tattoo shop promotes body art without borders

Written by
Jennifer Picht

Lady Gaga isn't the only one spreading the "This Land is Your Land" mantra. In fact, several local businesses in New York are taking a stand by advertising to the public that immigrants and refugees are more than welcome to step inside their establishments, and will be treated with respect and, y’know, human decency.

While there is a definite division in our nation on the matter, New York appears to be growing stronger in unison by embracing and encouraging diversity. Fleur Noire—a new tattoo joint in Williamsburg—is another local business choosing to openly vouch its open-door policy for foreigners.

Today, the shop announced that it offers “body art without borders,” which is especially fitting as the business is a pentalingual art space. The international tattooers originate from countries such as France, Turkey, Russia and Hungary, and we’re so glad they’re here because just look at how damn talented they are! 

Laura Martinez, France:@nothingwildtattoo
Burak Moreno, Turkey: @burakmoreno

Evgenii Andriu, Russia: @evgeny_jd

Nadia Nikulina, Russia:@nadiatattooer

Bruno Levy, America: @brunolevytattoo

Sasha Woland, Hungary: @sashawoland

Baud Nach, France: @baudnach


The next time you’re in the mood to get inked, you might want to consider paying Fleur Noire a visit. 

Want to know other ways you can fight for immigrants in NYC? Go here

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