
This list of the best restaurants in the world was created by a computer algorithm

Dan Q Dao
Written by
Dan Q Dao
Local expert, Hanoi

Whether you swear by Michelin raters or, you know, Time Out writers (hi!), you know that finding the best restaurants means relying on the tastes and opinions of others. But a new initiative by the French Foreign Ministry called La Liste claims to make the process a bit more scientific by aggregating those opinions—through the "metadata from 200-plus leading gastronomic guidebooks and websites"—in order to create the ultimate, definitive list of world's best restaurants.

While a complete lineup won't be released until Thursday, the only New York City restaurant to crack the top ten is not-so-surprisingly the beloved fine-dining gem Per Se, sitting pretty at number two under the first-place Restaurant de l’Hôtel de Ville in Crisse, Switzerland. It's also not so shocking that France is the most well-represented country on a French-sponsored list. See below for the top ten (or...check out our list here) and sign up with your email to be notified when the full list of restaurants is available. 

1. Restaurant de l’Hôtel de Ville, Switzerland

2. Per Se, USA

3. Kyo Aji, Japan

4. Guy Savoy, France

5. Schauenstein, Switzerland

6. El Celler de Can Roca, Spain

7. Kyubey, Japan

8. Maison Troisgros, France

9. Auberge du Vieux Puits, France

10. Joël Robuchon, Japan

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