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These are SO much better than an MTA subway map. We got a peek at a new book of dozens of NYC maps, You Are Here: NYC: Mapping the Soul of the City, by Katharine Harmon. And it's seriously awesome: There's everything from a nerd’s guide to the city to a breakdown of the totally unrealistic apartments on Friends.
Take a look at some of our favorites below, and then you decide which is cooler: historical maps, futuristic designs or maps made out of jelly. And if you want even more maps, you can get the entire book here.
Liz Hickok: Fugitive Topography: Jelly NYC, 2010 (View from the Staten Island Ferry)Nobutaka Aozaki: From Here to There (Manhattan), 2012-ongoingPhoto by Yuriko Katori
The Bronx Museum of the Arts: The Bronx Grand Concourse—A Cultural Map, 2013Design by Kevin Waldron, research by Terry Wasserman, additional research and produced by Tamzin Barford
Michael Crawford: Three Sympathetic, Absorbent States Volunteer to Serve as NYC Storm Surge Buffers, 2012The East Village, New York City, 2001. Concept by Marc H. Miller, artwork by James Romberger and Marguerite Van Cook, design by Kevin Hein
Inaki Aliste Lizarralde: Apartments of Chandler + Joey and Monica + Rachel, 2015Katarina Jerinic: Brooklyn Constellations, 2007Paula Scher: High Line, 2005Liu Jianhua: Regular Fragile, 2002-10Tanner Greenring and Jack Shepherd: the Ultimate Nerd Guide to New York City, 2011
Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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