It’s the last day before a long weekend, and you’ve had a ruff week. Someone spilled their coffee on you on the Q train? Or perhaps you dropped your $10 salad while walking back to the office? We feel you, and so do these puppies: Here’s what some of the most adorable dogs from the Westminster Dog Show think about the three-day weekend.

“It's Friday afternoon and my boss just told me he needs me to stay late and finish a project before the long weekend.”

“I’m on coffee No. 3, but I don’t think it's kicked in yet.”

“It's 5:56pm and all I can do is watch the clock.”

“FREEEEEE. FREE AT LAST. Until Tuesday, at least.”

“Walking into happy hour like…”

“It's now Saturday at noon, and I haven’t gotten out of bed yet. I have no regrets.”

“The hardest thing I’ve done all weekend is come up with a caption for this Instagram.”

“But we really should have taken these pictures before 3am.”

“Guys, why did we get home from Sunday brunch at 5am on Monday?”

“The long weekend is over, I'm headed back to work anddddd the trains have 'signal problems.'"
Photographs: Lauren Spinelli and Kelsey Dubinsky