
Back in September 2015, a rat dragging an entire slice of pizza down a set of subway stairs stole the hearts, minds and Twitter feeds of New Yorkers. The event served as a reminder that the humans of New York are not so different from the furry quadrupeds that live in the city's underground.
Last week, a video shared on YouTube gave the infamous Pizza Rat a run for its money. The footage shows a rat in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, dragging an entire garbage bag across a sidewalk in order to get its grubby little hands on an entire personal pizza. It proved that New York City's rats are incredibly strong and their desire for pizza runs much deeper than many of us previously thought.
The incredible strength-to-weight ratio displayed by the creature leads us to believe that, if they were intelligent enough to get organized, New York's rats would be able to take over the city in a matter of days. After all, there are a lot of rats in every single neighborhood across town.
That's certainly a terrifying hypothetical, but what's most concerning is that someone threw away an entire personal pizza.