
There’s a gorgeous new rooftop garden open to the public in Williamsburg

Will Gleason
Written by
Will Gleason
Content Director, The Americas

Another day, another exciting piece of news about the brand-new William Vale hotel.

The striking new addition to the Williamsburg skyline already boasts a giant outdoor pool and will soon be serving up treats made by Wylie Dufresne.

Now, we've got a look at the hotel's impressive public public rooftop garden (and its equally impressive views). The garden is now open at the 23-story building, and the hotel's staff says that will remain open to the public 24 hours a day.

If this isn't the most perfect spot for a date, we don't know what is. 


Enjoying this awesome new garden @thewilliamvale #garden #williamsburg #nyc #cute #williamvale #hiddengarden #labordayweekend #happy

A photo posted by Ghislaine van Eijk (@gothamglamgirl) on

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