She’s been pretty MIA this season but on last night’s penultimate episode of Girls, fittingly titled “Goodbye Tour,” we finally got a real, extended check-in with Shoshanna to find out what she’s been up to these past few weeks. And boy, it’s a doozy.
But first, let’s talk Hannah. It’s a cliché, but Hannah Horvath really does have that pregnancy glow going on. Maybe it’s due to her teaching job offer from Phaedra (The Leftovers’ Ann Dowd), a department head at a quaintly progressive liberal arts university. Yes, folks, Hannah Horvath is going to become a professor.
Before she can formally accept the offer, however—which would necessitate a move from NYC to upstate New York—Hannah looks to get some input from her main peeps. Tad is supportive of the move, as is Caroline. (Yes, Gaby Hoffman is back!) Elijah is unsurprisingly exasperated over the thought of Hannah relocating (“We agreed to live here and suffer and be miserable in this godforsaken rat hole together!) but ultimately backs her up, even singing her an unusually moving a cappella rendition of Demi Lovato’s “Cool for the Summer” as a lullaby. (Side note: This will be on Spotify soon, yes?)
But Hannah’s having a hard time tracking down Marnie and Shoshanna, both of whom aren’t answering her calls. That’s because they’re hanging out without her…at Shosh’s engagement party, which Hannah accidentally crashes whilst wearing overalls. Yep, Shoshanna is engaged to a man named Byron Long, whom she met at a Sprinkles cupcake ATM, because of course she did. She didn’t invite Hannah to said engagement celebration (which even Elijah was invited to), partially because Hannah didn’t bother to tell Shosh she was pregnant but mostly because Shoshanna is frankly done with the girls-of-Girls’ bullshit.

She tells the ladies as such during a Marnie–enforced group meeting in the bathroom, which, combined with a lengthy diatribe about people shitting in the streets, clinches Hannah’s decision to take the job offer. But Shosh’s brutal honesty (a more mature take on her alcohol-induced rant from season three’s “Beach House”) also manages to open up a strait of communication between, of all people, Hannah and Jessa: They discuss Jessa’s schooling (she quit), Hannah’s baby (a boy!) and tearfully apologize to each other “for everything,” the way only the closest friends can.
And we leave our core four as we found them, dancing in a crowded New York apartment together. It’s movingly intercut with scenes of Hannah moving upstate and starting the next chapter of her life, miles away from laughing over stolen yogurts with Elijah and emergency bathroom meetings between girlfriends. This is a girl, nearly grown.
Choice soundbites:
“Hannah crashed my engagement party by showing up dressed like a member of the Teen Mom cast.”–Shosh
“Well, that’s not an insult to me, because it means I look like I got railed by a football star.”–Hannah
“I mean, of course people shit in the street. You’ve shit in the street, right?”–Jessa
“Oh, so you’re telling me every shit you’ve ever taken has been on a toilet?”–Jessa
“God, you know, you’re impossible.”–Jessa
“I know my body’s kind of confusing but yes, I am pregnant.”–Hannah