1. Poet House Bridge Walk:
At the 20th anniversary of this annual walk across the Brooklyn Bridge, Actor Bill Murray joins Brooklyn poet laureate Tina Chang, Cornelius Eady and other fine bards to continue the tradition, reading classic NYC-inspired poems under the arches of the bridge. (6:30pm, Brooklyn Bridge. Free.)
2. Northside Festival
The week-long Williamsburg-centered festival, which features concerts, film screenings and talks, kicks off today with the first film events at Nitehawk, Videology and more. Feature films tonight include The Stanford Prison Experiment and They Look Like People. (Various times, locations and prices, northsidefestival.com)
3. ANT Fest 2015;
The busy folks at Ars Nova have combed through a heap of open submissions, piling dozens of the best into a performative anthill teeming with music, comedy and theater works by early-career artists. Up today: Richard Thieriot's The Beginning of Winter, which mixes ancient myth and and tunes on the guitar. (Ars Nova, 511 W 54th St, 7pm. $15–$20.)