In recent “everything is fine, I’m not panicking, are you panicking??” news, the top seller on Amazon at the moment is George Orwell’s classic work of dystopia fiction 1984. Or is it The Art of The Deal? I guess there’s no way to know, everyone’s entitled to their own facts.
The Brooklyn Public Library has now announced plans to host a group of 15 participants to discuss the prescient work every month for the next 48 months (AKA four years…). Each discussion cycle will be facilitated by librarians, writers, community member and artists, and become increasingly more relevant.
This isn’t just your run-of-the-mill book club, however! Gothamist reports that the participants will also have the opportunity to “strategize, host sign-making workshops, volunteer and more.” So, in some ways, you could say that we’re all just living in a big, super-immersive book club.
Maybe a little too immersive, some might say.