With the temperature dropping this week and the first major snow storm of the season on its way, it finally feels like winter has arrived in NYC. Don’t get us wrong, the cold months in New York aren’t always doom and gloom (read all about it in this week's print issue!) But there are definitely some things that make January through April a bit more of a... challenging time to live in New York.
1. Everyone has the black plague. And they will give it to you.
2. Snow refusing to check its privilege.
3. Your apartment either turns into a sweat lodge hot enough to make you hallucinate conversations with your landlord or a frozen tundra so bleak that you eat breakfast next to your shower.
4. The subway system decides that the time of year you can barely go outside is a good time to basically shut down completely.
5. The sidewalk's gradual transformation into a ski resort for garbage pail kids.
6. Barren branches surround you everywhere you look, serving as an existential reminder of your eventual death.
7. There is no smart way to wear layers.
8. The recurring nightmares about falling into never-ending slush puddles.
9. Avabranches: When you're standing under a branch on the sidewalk that suddenly dumps all of its snow on you.
10. Never wanting to leave your apartment.
11. The fact that you can't actually remember NYC. Because you haven't left your apartment in three months.
12. Darkness.