Cable network FXX recently announced that Simpsons World, a digital platform where subscribers can stream every single episode of The Simpsons, will launch in October. We're talking 552 episodes here. (The network will also air a 24/7 marathon of all the eps for 12 days starting August 21.) That's a lot of couch gags. And since you don't have to binge-watch the show in order (a la Orange is the New Black), we suggest starting with these five New York-y episodes. Because, why not?
"City of New York vs. Homer Simpson"
Season 9, episode 179
Spoiler alert: Homer hates NYC. He first visited when he was 17-years-old, and had a horrible experience (People and a policeman stole his things, a man dumped his garbage on him and he got chased by a pimp after throwing a banana peel on him. You know, the usual.). But he has to come back in this episode to retrieve his car, which Barney the barfly parked in the center of the World Trade Center Plaza. Other city destinations making cameos include the Statue of Liberty, Little Italy, Chinatown and Central Park.
"The Fool Monty"
Season 22, episode 470
The Statue of Liberty makes another appearance, this time as a meeting place where top television execs invent a faux disease ("House Cat Flu") that'll force people to watch more TV. D'oh!
"New Kids on the Blecch"
Season 12, episode 262
Bart, Nelson, Millhouse and Ralph form a boy band, called Party Posse, which ends up being a ruse to recruit people to join the Navy. The episode ends with the band sailing on a ship (with N'Sync!) heading to NYC with a mission to attack the MAD magazine offices.

"Dude, Where's my Ranch?"
Season 14, episode 309
David Byrne (You know, one of the city's most stylish bicyclists) makes a cameo when Moe kidnaps him and forces the music legend to produce a cover of "More More More." He also appears on the song "Everybody Hates Ned Flanders."

"Moonshine River"
Season 24, episode 509
Okay, we love this episode because Lisa holds a copy of a Time Out-esque magazine while looking for things to do in New York. The family is really there so Bart can win back a lost love. But the show's take on Broadway ticket prices ("You can get the back of the 2nd balcony, standing room, obstructed view seats") is priceless.