Cocoron, the popular 14-seat Japanese noodle den on Delancey, is expanding again, this time with a curry-spiced eatery next door to its satellite soba shop on Kenmare Street. Helmed by Japan natives Yoshihito Kida and Mika Ohie, Goemon Curry soft-opened to friends and family late last week. Mission Chinese's Danny Bowien visited on Friday, tweeting about it and subsequently advising followers to order the curry soup and "#addcheddarcheese."
Kida and Ohie, who also worked together in the kitchen at both Yakitori Totto and Soba Totto, will serve brown Japanese katsu curry over fried fish and into big bowls of soup and roux. Check back for more menu details and the status of the public opening soon. 29 Kenmare St between Elizabeth and Mott Sts (no phone yet)