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It's a fact of life for NYC showgoers: When it comes to music venues, North Brooklyn is a zone in constant flux. (Moment of silence for Death by Audio and 285 Kent; fingers crossed for a smooth National Sawdust lift-off.) Case in point: Remember Time Out Live at the Brooklyn Night Bazaar, the series we recently launched in partnership with the coolest indoor market and show series in town? Sadly, it's coming to a premature end—along with the entire Brooklyn Night Bazaar enterprise. Yes, folks, our upcoming weekend of gigs—featuring Priests and Perfect Pussy on May 22 and 23, respectively; go here to score all-access tix—will be the last hurrah for BKNB in its current home. Says series co-chief Belvy Klein:
"It is with a heavy heart that we announce the Brooklyn Night Bazaar will be vacating its home of two and a half years as of June 1, 2015. The building owner of 29 Norman Avenue has reached a deal with a large multinational company that included an enormous rent increase we could not possibly match… We are saddened and extremely disappointed to lose a space we built from the ground up and poured our heart and soul into over the years. In the end, the ever-skyrocketing cost of Brooklyn real estate was something that made staying at this location an impossibility. A big shout out and thanks to all the incredible bands, rad vendors, killer food stands, creative artists, great staff, and the hundreds of thousands of visitors that made BKNB a truly unique and special place. We'll miss you all."
But! There is good news bundled into this sad announcement. In a crazy, only-in-NYC coincidence, the folks behind BKNB are unveiling a new series during the exact same weekend. In the Rockaways. On the beach. Yes, folks, we present to you Riis Park Beach Bazaar. Here's the official word:
"We are proud to announce that the National Park Service has granted Brooklyn Bazaar a five-year lease to develop programming, food and beverage services at Jacob Riis Park Beach beginning Memorial Day Weekend (Saturday, May 23) 2015. Just as the Brooklyn Night Bazaar is a new take on the traditional flea market, Riis Park Beach Bazaar will reimagine the beach experience on Jacob Riis Park's historic and pristine waterfront. We look forward to hosting abundant activities, entertainment, shopping, food and drinks, which when combined with the sea and sun, will result in a New York beach experience unlike any other."
Amazing, right? And there's a lot more. Eats from Ample Hills Creamery, Brooklyn Star, Court Street Grocers and other local mainstays. Plus, sports (beach volleyball, sand soccer, ultimate frisbee, etc.)! Pop-up vendors (antiques, new and vintage clothing, records, etc.)! And best of all, easy access:
"We are working on making the trip to Riis Park Beach Bazaar a breeze, including dedicated bus shuttles throughout NYC, increased ferry service to nearby Riis Landing, and plenty of car share options. Beach chair and umbrella rentals will be available. Beachgoers will even be able to order food and drink directly to their beach chairs using a smartphone! Custom beach passes will also feature package deals including bus/ferry shuttle service, food, drinks, games and beach-chair rental."
Read on for info on the first two weekends of free music programming—and a look at some renderings of RPBB—and stay tuned for info on exclusive Time Out Live presentations at the new spot. We'll see you at the beach!
Saturday, May 23
Avan Lava
Banker$ DJ
Sunday, May 24
Computer Magic
Heavenly Beat
Violet Sand
DJ Lady Guy
Monday, May 25
French Horn Rebellion
Nicholas Nicholas
Double Trouble Double Dragon DJs
Saturday, May 30
Iron Chic
Soda Bomb
Somerset Throwe
DJ Mathcore
Sunday, May 31
Laura Stevenson
Slingshot Dakota
Double Trouble Double Dragon DJs