Cancel your Friday night plans, because the entire 10-episode first season of Aziz Ansari’s Netflix original series Master of None is dropping tomorrow. The high-energy jokester has dropped the douche-with-a-secret-heart-of-gold routine of his Parks and Recreation’s character Tom Haveford for a part of his own design. Ansari has been selling out stadiums left and right with his stand-up act—including Madison Square Garden—and now he’s following in the footsteps of another all-star comedian who came before him, Louis CK. In Master of None Ansari plays a 30-year-old New York actor trying to navigate love, work, friendship and race through hilarious insights and a healthy helping of sincere heart. We can't wait for his new show, and here's why you should be excited too:
1. It's impossible not to feel his joy:
2. His real life immigrant parents are playing his immigrant parents on the show, which is adorable.
3. He turned the mandatory book deal all comics of a certain level of fame seem to be given (see Jim Gaffigan, Amy Poehler, Mindy Kaling) into an actual insightful read by teaming up with socialist Eric Klinenberg to co-author a work about today’s dating culture, Modern Romance. All that knowledge about love in the age of Tinder will surely pay off in hilarious ways for his character’s romantic arc with actress Noel Wells.
4. Speaking of modern love, his jokes about texting and dating are amazing:
5. Like Girls this show is about Millennials living in New York City, unlike Lena Dunham’s show the cast actually reflects the diverse population living in this city.
6. His comedic delivery of “Treat yo’ self” on Parks and Rec turned an already existent phrase (Treat yourself) into a mantra for an entire way of living. Here’s hoping we gain some new words for our 2010’s vernacular.