Remember when you bought a Make America Great Again t-shirt this year as an ironic statement? Or when you said you were only getting back on Grindr for dating? Or when you paid $16 to see Jared Leto humiliate himself? 2016 may not have been a banner year for quite a few reasons, but the good news is that you can leave it all behind.
At Good Riddance Day on Wednesday December 28 at noon, you'll have the chance to shred, ditch or destroy effigies of your most reviled memories of the year. Head to Times Square with written confessions or physical objects you want to lose, and you'll be able to watch them dissappear into a Shred-It truck or just throw 'em in a dumpster. It's a chance to be cleansed of all your bad decisions for the year. Until New Year's Eve, that is.
Don't think it was such a rough year? How about a refresher: