It used to be that when a street artist used a storefront gate as a canvas, it was considered vandalism plain and simply. But in a another sign of street art's growing legitimacy, street-art murals are popping up on security gates all over the Lower East Side—and they are there at the invitation of owners. It's all part of project called 100 Gates, which is matching street artists with LES retailers interested in jazzing up their stores with a touch of street cred.
Billy the artist, for instance has painted Michele Olivieri sneaker mecca with Picassoid faces in red, yellow, blur and orange, while Buff Monster has graced the front of Bondy's Cameras and Appliance with a sort of elastic flying brain cum cyclops. The are just a couple examples, but you can check out more below:
Cara Lynch
Doug Tha Thug
Jana Liptak
Ryan Collier