So by this point you've probably heard that Time Out New York has gone free, and that we've welcomed five notable New Yorkers to guest-edit various sections in our first gratis issue. And perhaps you've also heard that guest Music Editor Mario Batali was kind enough to share with us a list of his fave NYC munchies food in honor of rapidly approaching stoners' holiday 4/20.
If you couldn't already tell, Chef Batali is a generous sort. So generous, in fact, that he jumped at the chance to host a live performance at his Flatiron Italian-food mecca, Eataly, in honor of our partnership. Consider this your invite, dear readers: Ava Luna, a brilliant, up-and-coming Brooklyn quintet with a sound perched between angular indie rock and supple soul, plays a live show at Eataly's rooftop restaurant and brewery, La Birreria. The performance starts at 8:30pm on Monday, April 20, and like the headline says, admission is absolutely free. Food and drinks, not so much, but even so—people, this is going to be awesome.
To recap: Time Out New York. Mario Batali. Ava Luna. Monday, April 20. 8:30pm. Eataly. Rooftop. Free show. Be there!
To whet your appetite, here's a taste of the new Ava Luna album, Infinite House: