Ever wonder where the city's mighty ships go when they've passed their prime? The answer is a shallow marshy area just off the coast of Staten Island. The marine salvage yard there, which is now owned and run by the Donjon Marine Company, has been in operation since the 1930s. Dozens of rusted, useless ships (or pieces of them) still sit in the murky waters, and many more have sunk into the mud between Staten Island and New Jersey.
Chad Aaronson, 38, took a spin over the decaying ships, and filmed videos using a Blade Chroma camera drone. The Freehold, New Jersey resident says he's always had a fascination with abandoned institutions and buildings.
"Stepping foot inside structures that have been left behind decades ago and now sit in a terrible state of decay mystifies me," he says. "These rotting hulls were once someone's pride and joy. The way they made their living. I can just picture in my mind the day these ships were launched for the first time. Pristine. Sparkling. Now just left to rot."
Aaronson's footage is haunting and beautiful. Check it out:

To see more of Aaronson's drone videos, visit his YouTube page.