Since the arrival of Spider-man, Captain America and the X-men, Marvel characters have chosen NYC as their home for brawling, battling and fighting off aliens. Sure, Daredevil and the X-men have gone through their respective San Francisco phases, but haven't we all?
To see just how much damage the heroes have done to our five boroughs, the obsessive fact-finders at Inverse have created a comprehensive map charting the homes and historic fights of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, TV series and of the X-men movies. It doesn't include the Toby Maguire or Andrew Garfield Spider-man franchises—the most definitive NYC superhero movies of all time—but the Queens-based shenanigans of the upcoming Spider-Man: Homecoming are somewhat accounted for.
As you can see, one can't walk one Manhattan block without encountering some sort of metahuman scuffle. Jessica Jones drinks her sorrows away just blocks from where the Avengers beat down an alien invasion, and Luke Cage's stomping grounds in Harlem appear to be just blocks away from where the Hulk clobbered the Abomination back in 2008.
It's always fun to pick out real estate details that clash with the fantasies of L.A.-based writers who clearly don't know New York too well. How does Dr. Strange keep a mansion right next to Washington Square Park? Are we to believe that Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson—two recent law school graduates who operate largely pro bono—can afford an office in Williamsburg, let alone apartments in the Bowery, all while rushing back and forth to fight bad guys in the supposedly "crime-ridden" streets of Hell's Kitchen? I do love that Iron Fist baddie Madam Gao trains her ninjas in Red Hook. Assassin trainees don't deserve subway access.
Most interestingly, the obsessive report pieces together where the events of Deadpool likely went down, identifying clues that connect the bonkers movie to arcades, freeways and other sites in the Bronx.
Nice work, nerds.