Ah, Staten Island. Often referred to as “the forgotten borough,” it still remains the butt of jokes for many Manhattan and Brooklyn residents.
And while the island has a countless number of charms, one of its most controversial natives, Pete Davidson, isn't thinking as kindly. On Saturday Night Live’s "Weekend Update," he took fellow Staten Islander Colin Jost to task for his popularity among locals—the same ones who tend to bash Davidson. Why the acrimony? Perhaps it's because Jost appeals to residents of the wealthiest borough with his yogurt-white golfer aesthetic, while Davidson's history with drugs and mental illness makes him less family-friendly.
Or maybe it's because Davidson once said that he "wished that when hurricane Sandy had hit Staten Island, it had finished the job."

Here are some of Davidson’s best Staten Island burns from the segment:
“I'd be just as happy if there were no hurricane and Staten Island just fell into the sea.”
“If Staten Island is so desirable, then why is it free to get there?”
“Don't get me wrong; I know Staten Island isn't all heroin and racist cops. It also has meth and racist firefighters.”
“The reason Staten Island hates me is because I represent what they are, you know? A mentally ill community college dropout who got a Game of Thrones tattoo before watching the show.”