So there’s a blizzard watch issued for New York (REMAIN CALM), which means everyone is stocking up on beer, wine, condoms—y’know the usual Snowmegeddon necessities from Duane Reade. But the anxiety building from #Jonas (and the fear of having to cancel your totally rad weekend plans) are causing folks to lose their minds via Twitter. From JoBro hollering to grocery shopping denial, maybe it's for the best that we all stay indoors and take a mental health day (a.k.a. Netflix binge).
Honestly, I don't minddddd storm #jonas hittin' us up pic.twitter.com/nHpgBzy88N
— Chandra Johnson (@grbinthebigcity) January 20, 2016
When your wardrobe isn't fit to withstand the upcoming snowstorm but you're trying to play it cool #Jonas pic.twitter.com/hFK2AkJua3
— Jim Thompson (@jimthompson621) January 19, 2016
Give myself a snow day? yay or nay. #startuplife #jonas2016
— Eric Shih (@eshih) January 22, 2016
I don't need to panic buy stuff right? #nyc #jonas
— Urban Foxe (@urbanfoxe) January 22, 2016
anddd airbnb just sent me the contact info for NYC Office of Emergency Management #jonas #NYC #blizzard #wtf
— Steven Anderson (@SJAndersonLA) January 20, 2016
Storm Jonas is coming... #weather #humor #funny #bubblegirl #NYC #NJ #PA #Jonas pic.twitter.com/1mRcsYlHOC
— Xtian S (@XtianEvan) January 20, 2016
what i'm expecting to happen this weekend. #blizzard2016 #jonas pic.twitter.com/PP1nac1yCM
— Jackie Freiberg (@jackiefrei) January 22, 2016
New York prepares for a White Out! #snowstorm2016 pic.twitter.com/cd9FPvKQBO
— Stan Shaw (@StanShaw1) January 21, 2016