This is what dreams are made of. Bark’N’Borrow—basically the most relevant and important app for Apple users (and dog lovers)—let’s you set up puppy playdates with an adorable pooch near you. It’s like Tinder, but so much better.
The free app “connects dog owners to dog loving borrowers and professional dog sitters.” And you can request the location, breed, gender, temperament (a feature, which Tinder might want to consider for it’s next update). Best. Effing. App. Ever.
Before you get too excited, there seems to be a lack of New York-centric pups on the app. So if you're a dog owner and want to spread the joy with someone less unfortunate (i.e. me), please sign up!
Check out the cuties you can take for a walk and snuggle on Bark'N'Borrow!
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h/t Elite Daily