Regardless of the many horrors inflicted upon NYC this year—be they satanic despots becoming presidents, dumpster explosions or bad Broadway revivals— the city is as popular as ever. According to the Mayor's office, over 60 million tourists will have hit NYC's attractions in 2016, the most visits ever on record.
And while you may not be thrilled with the deluge of selfie stick-clad goons in Times Square you have to shove past on your way to work every day (or is that just me?), the Mayor couldn't be more pleased. “Not only has 2016 brought the largest number of visitors in New York City history, but it also caps off seven years of strong tourism growth,” Mayor de Blasio said. “More tourism means we have more people investing in New York City and are able to create more sustainable jobs for more people. New York is a culturally rich and diverse city, with so much to offer those who visit.” With 375,000 New Yorkers working in tourism and travel—up 15,000 from last year—and an estimated 34 million nights booked in NYC hotels, the city has been enjoying quite a cash boon.
An estimated 47.6 million of the visitors came from within the U.S.A, so apparently that boycott on Hamilton didn't pan out so well.