
NYC launches an anti-discrimination campaign to encourage inclusiveness

Written by
Clayton Guse

With reports of discrimination on the rise in New York City, Mayor de Blasio's office and the NYC Commission on Human Rights have teamed up to launch a campaign to encourage more inclusiveness in the city. The campaign includes PSA videos (like the one above), community events and ads placed on LinkNYC kiosks, subway and bus shelters, local businesses and media outlets. 

The initiative follows a 60 percent increase in reports of discrimination to the Commission in 2016, and a 30 percent increase in complaints so far this year. The Commission reports that it currently has 1,600 open discrimination cases, compared to 1,200 in May of 2016.

“There’s no place for hate or bias in our city,” said City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito in a statement. “At a time where bias incidents are rising at alarming rates across our nation, this campaign reminds us that all New Yorkers have a right to feel safe and secure."

The community events accompanying the campaign will take place across the city, each with the goal of fostering conversation about inclusiveness among New Yorkers. The events are slated through the end of June—you can find a full schedule here.

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