To show our appreciation (and make up for all the times we’ve forced them to witness our terrible first dates and endure drunk jukebox sing-alongs to “Total Eclipse of the Heart”), Time Out is on a quest to crown New York’s finest bartender. And we need your help!
Here’s how it works: Point your favorite cocktail slinger to the New York's Best Bartender 2015 submission form where they can enter themselves into the competition. The top 100 nominees will be revealed March 5, and then you’ll vote to help us determine the winner. Announcements of the final 50 come the following month, with the field narrowed down to the city’s 10 best by April 15. You’ll see those top contenders profiled on our website, and the winner will at last be revealed at the end of April.
So, if there’s a martini-shaking, margarita-making, beer-pulling, wine-wielding superstar who you think deserves some love, urge them to enter now! We’ve cried on their shoulders, we’ve laughed at their jokes, we’ve drunkenly hit on them at 4am. It’s about time they got something in return.