
New York's 15 biggest assholes of 2015

Will Gleason
Written by
Will Gleason
Content Director, The Americas

The end of any year is a time for reflection. A time to look back on the wonderful experiences, moments of heartbreak and personal victories that will keep this year in our memories forever. It’s ALSO a great time to call out the jerks that made the last 12 months a complete shit show. So, in no particular order, here are our picks for the city's biggest assholes of 2015. May their New Year’s Resolutions be to become a little less prickish.

1. Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli for jacking up prescription drug prices overnight and basically being the platonic ideal of douchebag. But at least he got arrested today!

2. Pizza Rat. Let’s just say what everyone’s thinking: that was NOT his pizza.

3. That white dude who started screaming that he settled Brooklyn. Um, you didn't.

4. Aspiring local politician Donald Trump.

5. Successful fiction novelist Brian Williams.

6. The entire cast of The Bedford Stop. 

7. Whoever was behind those “Made in NY” breast augmentation subway ads. 

8. The dude in Brooklyn that strung his Christmas lights to look like a giant, illuminated penis. Cool, bro.

9. Taylor Swift. Yup, we said it. 

10. DHA Capital, the developers that bulldozed the late, great wd~50 to make way for more goddamn condos. 

11. VICE, for taking over Williamsburg and causing a lot of cool shit to close.

12. Flagels. Fuck those! 

13. Greedy despot Sheldon Silver.

14. Swiss Water, the company that opened a morally reprehensible decaf coffee pop up on the Lower East Side.

15. The L Train. 

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