This afternoon protesters are gathering in cities across America to speak up against police brutality. Organized by the Stop Mass Incarceration Network, the activists are asking for people to leave work or school and join them as they call for a change in the police practices that have killed innocent or unarmed black and brown men and for justice for the victims's families.
Last fall, thousands of people felt a call to action after a grand jury in Ferguson, Missouri declined to indict the police officers responsible for Michael Brown’s death and then again shortly after when another grand jury came to the same decision for the cop who placed Eric Garner in a fatal chokehold in New York City. Since then many are outraged by how little has been done to prevent future instance of police violence.
The rally will take place at 2pm in Union Square. Before converging at the park, separate groups of protesters are gatherings at 125th & Adam Clayton Powell Blvd, Columbia University’s Low Memorial Library and the NY Daily News Headquarters on 42nd street.—Written by Tolly Wright