Growing up in an era of Seinfeld, Friends and Sex and the City may have made millennials think that they want to live in NYC, but according to a new survey by apartment search site Abodo, the city that best matches the desires of millennials may be Philadelphia, PA. Maybe we should have been turning our attention to Married with Children all those years?
Abodo surveyed over 2,000 users between the ages of 18 and 34 and asked them to rate the necessary elements of any city they'd move to, then guess which American city was the best all-around pick for them. In a positively surprising term, the top factors that Millennials value are mostly responsible-sounding, such as "thriving job market" and "affordable home prices." Of course, things skid into cliché territory very quickly, with "quality pizza" ranking at a 6/10 in importance. The margins thin out as the list progresses, leaving "movie theaters" to beat out "LGBT-friendly" by a small amount.

Whether it's the most realistic fit for Millennials or not, nearly 1 in 5 chose NYC as their dream residence, with San Francisco, Seattle, Portland and Los Angeles rounding out the top five. Abodo also assembled a grid of which city millennials would move to based on the cities they currently reside in. Sadly, the majority of surveyed New Yorkers voted for Los Angeles, which is a sad defeat in the decades-long war of cities that's been raging since 1977's Annie Hall.

Using data compiled from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Zillow, Vocativ, Travel and Leisure, Abodo ranked which cities best aligned with the values and features millennials value most (including the pizza factor). Based on the data they compiled, Philadelphia most adheres to millennial demands, save for its alleged lack of high rated public schools. New York nearly made number one, save for the whole "affordable rent" situation, which will hopefully improve any day now. Besides Philly and NYC, Seattle and Boston seem to best fit Adobo's description of the Millennial dream.

If you've been to more than two of the cities on the below rundown, you're likely to have some... opinions. Much of the information is polled from other surveys, which this study shows can often be more subjective than realistic. How is a city like Boston considered LGBT-friendly, while Houston—which enjoyed a lesbian mayor for six years and has a thriving gay district— isn't? Is Denver more walkable than Pittsburgh? Needless to say, you should take these results with a grain of salt.

You can view the full results of the survey here.