This is too real: Brooklyn now has a terrifying new immersive experience. Created by Nightmare Haunted House's Timothy Haskell and Studio 153, This Is Real brings you to an abandoned Red Hook warehouse, where you'll find yourself locked up, watching a deranged psychopath kill your fellow contestants. You'll have to pull out every trick you've learned from Sidney Prescott and devise a way to get out with your life, all while considering whether or not its worth it to save the other victims. And, as it goes down in Red Hook, you'll have to escape home without any subways nearby (though there is a ferry).

"This Is Real is not a Haunted House," Haskell insists, but rather a mashup of immersive theater, escape rooms and survival scenarios. Only eight players can go in at a time for the 70-minute high-terror showdown, which I definitely cannot handle. The show runs nightly starting August 25, with weeknight tickets going for $95 and weekends at $110. You can get tickets here. For a free drink ticket and t-shirt, use the code TIMEtogetOUT.
And remember: if there's a garage door exit, don't take it.