
Millions of dead fish washed up on the Jersey shore

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Rebecca Fontana
Who wants free sushi?
The Little Mermaid’s worst nightmare came true yesterday as millions of rotting fish filled the water at a marina in Keansburg, New Jersey. A school of peanut bunker fish had been trying to escape bigger predators like humpback whales, bluefish or skates when they inadvertently ran into stagnant waters, and their day went from bad to worse.
Stagnant waters mean there’s a very low oxygen level, and you know what that means for animals. (They die.) Though these waters do occur naturally, pollution from lawn fertilizers isn't helping with oxygen circulation.
Still, the Department of Environmental Protection doesn’t seem too perturbed, and birds and crabs took care of most of the cleanup on Tuesday. Today, they got a little help from the fire department, who brought in a giant suction vacuum to slurp up the dead fish (yum).   
In the meantime, as one witness eloquently put it, “Whole town smells like a sewer.” (Insert joke about New Jersey here.)

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