Each week, we interview an interesting and stylish New Yorker about his or her life in the city. Meet Merrie Cherry, a 32-year-old drag queen and event producer in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

Photograph: Teddy Wolff
How did you get into drag?
Metropolitan Bar had a coat check position open, and I ended up meeting anyone and everyone. I did drag there and eventually started my own monthly show, Dragnet.
How’d you choose your drag name?
A guy who couldn’t remember my name ran into me and called out, “Merry cherry!” I was wearing all red—red hat, red T-shirt, red shorts and red shoes. I was like, That’s mine now.
Describe your performance nights.
I order some Seamless and smoke a cigarette, then get in front of my mirror for two-and-a-half hours. I put my clothes on, then I usually text whoever hired me, “I’m so sorry I’m late.” I always end the night at Metropolitan and get home around 5am.
How has the drag community changed in New York?
When I started [in 2010], you could count the drag queens on your fingers and toes. Now, there’s close to 100 drag queens just working in Brooklyn. I owe it all to RuPaul. Even though I wasn’t on [RuPaul’s Drag Race], after season four people started to get it, and now drag is the new rock star.

Photograph: Teddy Wolff