Each week, we take two New Yorkers who swear they're totally undateable, and put our matchmaking skills to the test. Afterward, we find out what went well on their date, and what went horribly, horribly wrong.

Why they're single:
Zoe: Has to cancel plans a lot because of late work nights, and that never goes over well
Jordan: Has a short attention span and lives in a five-story walk-up
Ideal date:
Zoe: Drinks at a bar, then a concert
Jordan: Eating a meal followed by going to dive bars and dancing
First impression
Zoe: “Jordan seemed really nice. I was excited that she had a friendly face and smiled a lot. It made me feel less nervous.”
Jordan: “She was really cute, but she was really quiet at first. I think she was kind of sick. I was much more enthusiastic than she was.”
Zoe: “I thought we got along great. I feel like I may have talked a little too much about my Mormon upbringing, but she was very easy to talk to.”
Jordan: “We have different backgrounds, but we were both excited to share. She showed me videos of her hunting animals, which was crazy because I’ve never hunted before.”
Awkward Moment
Zoe: “At the end of the night we swapped phones to exchange numbers, and I accidentally FaceTimed her dad. I hung up immediately, but he called back.”
Jordan: “Thirty seconds after we sat down, a group of girls I’d gone to college with sat down next to us. I felt bad because I was trying not to divert my attention away from her.”
Zoe: “We probably would have gone to a bar after, but I was not feeling well. But I walked her most of the way home, and we exchanged numbers and hugged it out.”
Jordan: “I told her that I’d normally ask to go get a drink, but I knew she was sick. She walked me back to my apartment, and we exchanged numbers.”
Zoe: ♥♥♥♥♥ “She was a really great girl. I felt like we vibed really well as just a human match, so it would be very easy for us to go out again and have a good time.”
Jordan: ♥♥♥♥ “I had an awesome time, and she’s supercool. I can definitely see us being good friends or meeting each other at Cubbyhole.”
Our daters went to Yerba Buena (212-529-1919, 23 Ave A)
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