Each week, we take two New Yorkers who swear they're totally undateable, and put our matchmaking skills to the test. Afterward, we find out what went well on their date, and what went horribly, horribly wrong.
Why they're single:
Tom: Too picky and never makes the first move
Colin: Guys he likes never like him and vice versa
Ideal date:
Tom: Dinner at an upscale restaurant to chat and have a good drink
Colin: Spanish tapas and French kissing
First impression
Tom: “He looked very familiar, and it was because we had met before. He knew me right away and knew exactly where we met. It was in 2013 for 20 minutes once.”
Colin: “I knew him. We had a mutual friend, and a bunch of us went out to Blockheads after work once. He’s just a normal, standard, white Hell’s Kitchen gay.”
Tom: “We had a lot of friends in common, so we had a really good conversation and common ground. In terms of personalities, we are complete opposites.”
Colin: “I think it was very obvious that we were not each other’s types. He’s really nice, and we talked a lot, but it was very much just, Oh, look at this fun thing we’re doing.”
Awkward Moment
Tom: “He asked who I had voted for, and I said Hillary. He’s not her biggest fan, so we talked about that. But we both agreed we would vote for a Democrat in the election.”
Colin: “I was tipsy when I got there because there was a going-away party at work before. The restaurant kept handing us drinks, so by the end of the night I was shit-faced.”
Tom: “We friended each other on Facebook. Then we just kind of went our separate ways and laughed about the experience and how we had known each other .”
Colin: “We’re Facebook friends, and I think that’s all we’ll ever be. We had a cordial goodbye, and later, I was on 50th and Eighth puking.”
Tom: ♥♥♥ “It was nice meeting someone who had a lot of mutual friends. It was definitely not love, but I think we’ll be good acquaintances in the future.”
Colin: ♥ “It was extremely platonic. He’s really nice and I wish him the best. And I’m still single.”
Our daters went to As Is (734 Tenth Ave, 646-858-1153)
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