Each week, we take two New Yorkers who swear they're totally undateable, and put our matchmaking skills to the test. Afterward, we find out what went well on their date, and what went horribly, horribly wrong.
Why they're single:
Samantha: She’s not sure if she’s picky or just hasn’t found someone to keep her interest.
Alex: Sense of humor is very important to him, and he can’t seem to meet anyone who fits his brand of wit.
Ideal date:
Samantha: A casual dinner and drinks—nothing fancy
Alex: Grabbing coffee or going to a bar that has Mario Kart
First impression
Samantha: “He was there before me, and the first thing I noticed was his giant beard. I’m not typically somebody that goes for someone with a huge beard and mustache like his.”
Alex: “I stood up to hug her, and it was an awkward half hug. She seemed very nice but also shy; she seemed a little apathetic. I didn’t feel much enthusiasm from her.”
Samantha: “We were like, ‘Hey, this is kind of awkward, I can’t believe we’re doing this,’ but then the conversation went well. We talked about Warped Tour and the bands we saw there.”
Alex: “I got zero chemistry from her. She kept yawning. She would give me one-word answers then stare at the food. It felt like she was looking through me.”
Awkward Moment
Samantha: “He told me that he went to a video-game store before he met me. I just knew that’s probably not something I would spend my leisure time doing.”
Alex: “She said she loved Saturday Night Live and that she’d seen it live five times, but she literally couldn’t remember any of the hosts. I thought she was a robot at one point.”
Samantha: “We both said we were tired, and I called an Uber and he offered to wait, so that was nice. He asked me for my phone number and texted me his full name.”
Alex: “The date ended pretty fast. She said she was jet-lagged because she flew in from Florida. That’s the same time zone. She also flew Sunday, and it was Wednesday.”
Samantha: ♥♥♥ “He was nice and we had good conversation. He does improv, so hey, maybe I’ll go check him out, but on a romantic level, I don’t really see that happening.”
Alex:♥♥ “It felt less like a date and more like a meeting between two classmates who were forced into a group project. That was the entire connection that we had.”
Our daters went to Sweet Chick (178 Ludlow St, 646-657-0233)
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