
Meet the Undateables: Jeremy and Molly

Written by
Dana Varinsky

The date: Drinks at Esperanto (145 Ave C, 212-505-6559)

First impression
Jeremy: “Her smile was contagious and vibrant. I saw her and thought I’d get along with her. She seemed cool and relaxed—that’s all you can ask for on a blind date.”
Molly: “My first impression was, Yay, he doesn’t look crazy. He was good-looking. He seemed really laid-back. I didn’t look for an escape route.”

Jeremy: “I was somewhat attracted to her. I was never thinking, Wow, this could be The One, but I was definitely thinking this is a person I would want to hang out with another time.”
Molly: “We had a lot in common, because we’re both from the South; we both said y’all a lot. It was like talking to someone I’d talked to before. He had me laughing the whole night.”

Jeremy: “We’d talked about smoking weed, and I happen to live around the corner, so I asked if she wanted to come get high. We smoked and then made out for five minutes.”
Molly: “We walked back to his apartment, made out and exchanged numbers. He texted me later, and I went to one of his shows a few days ago. It was really great.”

Awkward Moment
Jeremy: “When I asked what she wanted to drink, she said, ‘Tequila!’ I thought she meant shots and said, ‘Are you serious?’ She meant a margarita, which made more sense.”
Molly: “Turns out we’d both thought of having friends come sit at the bar in case we needed an out. He was like, ‘You don’t have anybody here, do you??’”

In three words
Jeremy: Molly is "spunky, chipper and outgoing."
Molly: Jeremy is "well-mannered, funny and a goofball.”

Jeremy: “It was a great date. But as much fun as we had, I’d like it to be more of a social relationship than a long-term relationship. I made a new friend, I think.”
Molly: “He wasn’t a serial killer, he made me laugh, he picked up the drinks tab. I think that’s a pretty good date, right? I’d definitely hang out again.”

RECOMMENDED: See more Undateables

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