Each week, we take two New Yorkers who swear they're totally undateable, and put our matchmaking skills to the test. Afterward, we find out what went well on their date, and what went horribly, horribly wrong.

Photograph: Kelsey Dubinsky
Why they're single:
Carly: She’s always running around with her friends and hasn’t yet met the guy she wants to settle down with.
Aashish: He recently moved to the U.S.
Ideal date:
Carly: Any place where you can get both people to show up
Aashish: Something that allows you to really get to know each other, like a conversation over a meal or coffee
First impression
Carly: "It was easy to find him because everyone else was in groups. I just went over, and I was like, ‘Hey, I’m Carly.’ He didn’t have an angry [reaction] to me being late!"
Aashish: "I got there at least 10 to 15 minutes before to make sure everything was in order. I waited for her, and she arrived later. That’s not a problem for me.”
Carly: “He’s a really nice guy and very interesting as well. He moved here a couple of months ago. I like to know where people come from. But I didn’t sense a romantic spark.”
Aashish: “There was never a dull moment. We liked talking to each other, and there were no awkward pauses or silences. I’m not sure about chemistry; I got the friend vibe from her.”
Awkward Moment
Carly: “The music in the restaurant was loud, so it was hard to hear each other. Also, neither of us speak Spanish, so we pointed at the menu and said, ‘I’ll have this!’ ”
Aashish: “We wanted to order something, but everything was in Spanish, and neither of us knew how to read it. We thought, This is an exciting activity we have.”
Carly: “I was going to a birthday party after—a girls’-night-out thing—so I called an Uber. I gave him a hug and a cheek kiss when we left. I’ll invite him out to do friend things.”
Aashish: “Before her Uber came, we chatted for a while. She wanted to take a picture of us to send to her friends. We exchanged numbers, and I reached out this week.”
Carly: ♥♥♥♥ “It wasn’t a romantic situation, but it was a lovely time. I’ll get ahold of him so he can meet some more people in the city and make more friends.”
Aashish: ♥♥♥♥ “We enjoyed the time we had. We like each other. There was always something brought up, and we chatted a lot. I enjoyed the date—for friendship purposes.”
Our daters went to Camacho's (118A E 15th St, 212-677-6300)
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