
Meet the Undateables: Bruce and Lauren

Written by
Dana Varinsky

The date: Dinner at Stanton Social (99 Stanton St, 212-995-0099)

First impression
Bruce: “She met me at the bar. I thought she was nice, attractive and dressed well. She’s very outgoing and had a cool outfit on. I was impressed with her.”
It went pretty smoothly.”
Lauren: “He was not my type at all. I like a younger, clean-cut, polished kind of guy, and he 
was not. He had long hair and was kind 
of sloppy. It was a little awkward.”

Bruce: “She goes out and sees indie bands too, so we share that common ground. I could see she had a bit of a guard up, but socially it was very easy to talk to her.”
Lauren: “I didn’t really feel any chemistry at all. 
The conversation did not flow; it was a little uncomfortable. We both said we didn’t want to make it like an interview, but it was.”

Bruce: “She wanted to go by 8:30, and it’s never a good sign when people are in a rush to leave. I gave her a kiss kind of between the lips and the cheek.”
Lauren: “If we weren’t at a restaurant, I probably would have had one drink and then left. 
I shook his hand, and he gave me a kiss 
on the cheek. I felt bad.”

Awkward Moment
Bruce: “I asked for her number early in the evening, and she said, ‘Let’s wait and see how it goes.’ I asked again and she said, ‘I’d rather give you my email, if that’s okay.’”
Lauren: “He was giving me compliments, telling 
me I was attractive, and I didn’t really 
say anything back. I’m a bad liar, so I just said thank you.”

In three words
Bruce: Lauren is "cute, funny and creative."
Lauren: Bruce is "nice, sloppy and weird.”

Bruce: “It was more like talking to a friend than anything romantic, but I actually felt attracted to her and had been hoping it would go somewhere.”
Lauren: “It wasn’t spectacular or 
funny, just weird. He emailed after to ask 
if I wanted to go to a concert, and I said 
I just don’t think we’re a match.”

RECOMMENDED: See more Undateables

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