Each week, we take two New Yorkers who swear they're totally undateable, and put our matchmaking skills to the test. Afterward, we find out what went well on their date, and what went horribly, horribly wrong.

Why they're single:
Austin: Moved from South Carolina two months ago and finds the Tinder scene completely different
Zoe: Travels two weeks out of the month for work, and her job is her first priority
Ideal date:
Austin: Ice-skating in the park and having a couple of drinks afterward
Zoe: Cocktails at a bar with a fireplace in the winter, or oysters at an outdoor bar in summer

First impression
Austin: “I arrived 10 minutes early. She’s tall, which is good. I like dark hair, and she has dark hair. She pretty much fit all of my categories. I was very attracted to her.”
Zoe: “His look is the opposite of what I go for. He seemed like a creative type. I go for the finance type, so my reaction was, We’re not going to have anything in common.”
Austin: “We instantly started talking. I was telling stories that I normally wouldn’t on a first date. That’s something I always look for—that I can connect on a comfortable level.”
Zoe: “We had a ton of shared interests. The date lasted three and a half hours, and we were talking the entire time. But there was no spark or sexual attraction.”
Awkward Moment
Austin: “I told her I went to my first nude beach last year, and she was like, ‘I’m a self-proclaimed nudist!’ I got a good laugh. I’m cool with it; she just seemed reserved.”
Zoe: “The conversation led to how in college, he did Magic Mike–style dancing, and he ended up getting caught by the police, wearing a cop uniform. I was shocked.”
Austin: “After we finished our drinks, we happily exchanged numbers. We gave a nice full hug, no side hug. I didn’t try to lean in for any kisses—not my forte on the first date.”
Zoe: “He wanted to continue the date at a bar, but I wasn’t down for that. I was feeling pretty drunk and didn’t feel the need to spend more time with him.”

Ronnie: ♥♥♥♥♥ “She’s super cool. We have a lot in common—more than I would have thought. We discussed how good a date it was. I definitely expect more in the future.”
Zoe: ♥♥♥♥ “He’s sweet, but he’s new to New York. I get along better with seasoned New Yorkers who know the ins and outs of the city. I’m not going to reach out.”
Our daters went to The Musket Room (265 Elizabeth St, 212-219-0764)
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