
RECOMMENDED: See more Undateables
The date: Dinner at Antique Garage (41 Mercer St between Broome and Grand Streets)
First impression
Andrew: “She was tall. I usually don’t approach taller women, because they often don’t like guys who are shorter than them. She was nice, pleasant and easy to talk to.”
Betsy: “We were both exactly on time. He was nicely dressed, super friendly and pretty cute. We started talking right away, and it wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable at all.”
Andrew: “I don’t know if you’d call it sexual chemistry; I didn’t see a love affair blossoming, and I’m sure she’d say the same. But in terms of talking and getting along, there was no battle for conversation.”
Betsy: “He did more of the talking, which is unusual, because I’m pretty chatty. He talked about his comedy career, which prompted me to be quieter so as to not become fodder [for it]. He talked, I ate.”
On being single
Andrew: “Have you been talking to my mother? I've moved around a lot. I went in college in Georgia and I’ve lived in Houston, L.A. and New York. Maybe I’ve been dating the wrong people—maybe they've been too stuck up for me. I’m not the easiest person to get along with. I’ve been close to finding the one, but sooner or later they do something out of scope. Maybe I’m just not meant to find someone."
Betsy: “I’m getting older, and a lot of my friends are married and having kids, so I don’t have a lot of wing women to go out with. I have an awesome job at a top ad agency, and admittedly have thrown myself into my work (and pretty much nothing else) for the past three years in order to get ahead in a competitive field. Now that I'm cutting back on the hours and lifting up my head to see what's out there, I don't even know where to look."
Dating history
Andrew: “Unfortunately, the women I typically go out with are Upper East Side mommy and daddy’s girls. I’ve had two tell me they’re looking for someone to take care of them. The ones I’ve been dating are the wrong ones.”
Betsy: “I wouldn’t say that I have a type. I’ve dated a lot of different people and have had great relationships with different types of guys. In general I look for things like good banter and a playful connection. I also like people who are open to experiencing new things, but I didn’t necessarily see that in Andrew.”
Andrew: “I walked her to her subway stop and gave her a hug, and she descended underground. I gave her my comedy business card, in case she wanted to look up my shows.”
Betsy: “His business card has a photo of him shooting his fingers at the camera and says he’s a ‘mensch according to [his] mother.’ I went home, and I think he went to a comedy show.”
In three words
Andrew: Betsy is "fashionable, smart and easygoing."
Betsy: Andrew is "passionate, opinionated and talkative.”
Andrew: “It’s not all the time that you get to meet someone you can have a conversation with for more than five minutes and they don’t piss you off.”
Betsy: “He avoids Brooklyn at all costs, which kills any dating possibility. I walked away thinking, Back to OkCupid I go. He didn’t rock my world; I don’t think I rocked his either.”