Each week, we take two New Yorkers who swear they're totally undateable, and put our matchmaking skills to the test. Afterward, we find out what went well on their date, and what went horribly, horribly wrong.

Why they're single:
Alvin: He’s picky, so he doesn’t go on dates often. If he doesn’t see long-term potential, forget it.
Kevin: He has a horrible work-life balance and doesn’t often meet people he really connects with.
Ideal date:
Alvin: An intimate dinner with good conversation and great wine
Kevin: Going on a hike, having a picnic and watching the sunset
First impression
Alvin: “He was wearing a black button-down shirt with a tie. He probably prepared too much with the tie, but that’s okay. He looked friendly, but I knew he wasn’t really my type.”
Kevin: “I was definitely interested in him. He was well dressed and had a kind of genuine, sweet energy about him that made me really excited about the date.”
Alvin: “We had a lot of similarities; we both just moved to New York, for one. We talked about a bunch of activities we do in our free time, but there was zero romantic chemistry.”
Kevin: “We had a lot of parallels. He’s also from a third-world country. It wasn’t that we weren’t connecting, but
I couldn’t find an intimate link. It just wasn’t there.”
Awkward Moment
Alvin: “He finished his meal first, and there was a moment when he was just watching me eat. I was basically blacking out, enjoying my food, and I looked up like, ‘Oh, sorry.’ Awkward.”
Kevin: “The meal I got wasn’t what I ordered. I took a bite and was like, ‘Oh, wait.’ We both laughed it off. He offered to share his food, which I thought was incredibly sweet.”
Alvin: “We were there for just about an hour. I think from the get-go, we both knew we weren’t each other’s type, so we just hugged at the end and moved on with our nights.”
Kevin: “I didn’t ask for his number so that I wouldn’t lead him on. I was very, very aware that this guy is a good one. Let’s not do anything horrible here.”
Alvin: ♥♥♥ “That was the first time I had zero expectations when meeting someone. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t great. I’m sure he’s someone’s type, just not mine.”
Kevin: ♥♥♥♥ “I enjoyed spending time with him. I liked that he was comfortable in his own skin. I just wish it would have been someone who I had that chemistry spark with.”
Our daters went to Pearl's (178 North 8th St, Brooklyn, 929-276-3528)
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