Each week, we take two New Yorkers who swear they're totally undateable, and put our matchmaking skills to the test. Afterward, we find out what went well on their date, and what went horribly, horribly wrong.

Why they're single:
Alexz: Has no idea, she thinks she’s great
Frank: Previously worked as a professional cook and had crazy hours
Ideal date:
Alexz: Coney Island for oysters and cocktails
Frank: Grabbing a drink and playing a board game
First impression
Alexz: “He is very clean-cut compared to what I’m used to and what my type is. He definitely dressed up a lot more than I did. I felt like my appearance was shocking to him at first.”
Frank: “I was taken aback because she had a gorgeous smile, but she also had light green hair, which I thought looked really nice.”
Alexz: “It was very friendly and the conversation moved. He was lovely. We both liked the same metal and jazz music, and we went off talking about that.”
Frank: “We were comfortable and talked about a variety of things that I wouldn’t even imagine talking about on a first date, like politics or our families. There was mutual interest.”
Awkward Moment
Alexz: “After the date, he made a comment about the fact that I had two glasses of wine. I was like, ‘I was taking it easy!’ ”
Frank: “I said, ‘I see you have some tattoos, how many do you have?’ And she said, ‘I have them all over my body.’ I didn’t want to say, ‘Oh, can you show me where?’ ”
Alexz: “We walked to the train together, and we exchanged numbers and have been keeping in touch a bit. He suggested we might go see a show together.”
Frank: “I walked her to the subway, and we exchanged numbers and talked about going to a concert together. I kissed her on the cheek.”
Alexz: ♥♥♥♥ “He’s a cool person, and I always love when people come to shows with me. He just wasn’t my type romantically. I’d definitely consider a friendship.”
Frank: ♥♥♥♥♥ “I was prepared for the worst and got surprised with the best. I’m definitely hopeful for this to turn into something more.”
Our daters went to Asellina at Gansevoort Park Avenue (420 Park Ave South, 212-317-2908)
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