The patriarchy is alive and well; just look around the city at all the buildings, streets and landmarks named for men! On this day in herstory, on which we may very well elect our first female president, check out this map that reimagines all of the subway stops named after women.
"City of Women," a map appearing in the book Nonstp Metropolis, which reimagines the atlas, shows what it might be like if our city revered NYC women as heavily as it does men. Stops are relegated to women like Jennifer Lopez, Carole King, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Joan Didion and Dorothy Parker. Did you know three of the four female Supreme Court justices came from NYC? Celebrate these ladies and many more, and read more about the project at The New Yorker.

City of Women - Cartography: Molly Roy; Subway route symbols © Metropolitan Transit Authority | Courtesy of University of California Press