
Kosher marijuana in coming to New York

Written by
Jennifer Picht

Well, it looks like Mary Jane is going kosher—maybe.

It was big news for ganja fans when the announcement of legalized pot in New York broke out—no, you still can't smoke it—but according to The Post, a company from Colorado is devising a plan with rabbis in New York to start selling legal, edible marijuana products that are certified kosher. Yep, this means Orthodox Jews will be able to celebrate the high holidays while actually being high (under doctors’ orders, of course).

Since many Jewish patients follow kosher dietary laws, Rabbi Moshe Elefant of the Orthodox Union’s kosher certification agency told The Jewish Daily Forward that he has had “preliminary discussions” with more than one company seeking a kosher seal of approval for its marijuana products. We're not sure which companies are involved, but we do know that the plan would take effect sometime next year. 

The plant itself doesn’t need to be classified as kosher, but for patients to ingest marijuana in food, drinks or capsules, it must be blessed. The plan may be delayed since the proposed regulation requires special permission from the state Health Department to put pot in edible food products, but Elefant says the company reps he met with are confident of winning that approval. 

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