A couple of years ago Brooklynite Erika Anderson took it upon herself to fight back against the BS holiday that is Valentine's Day and make hundreds of strangers' days better by handing out valentines. Now, her Army of Lovers movement has handed out more than 5,000 valentines on four continents—and you can join the brigade this year.
Anderson and her acolytes will hand out valentines all over NYC Sunday, and to get involved, just make a valentine with the words "to you" and "from me," plus a message of love and the hashtag #ArmyofLovers. If you want to make it a group activity, meet up with Erika and others on Sunday from 10am–5pm at Projective Space (72 Allen St, 3rd floor) where she will give you valentines to hand out—no work required. Erika plans to hand out on the High Line, in Herald Square, Columbus Circle, Grand Central Station and other locations. 300 people are slated to participate worldwide, so you should really feel the love.
We've also rounded up non-cheesy Valentine's Day ideas and plenty of things to do to either celebrate or loathe the day, so get out there, lovers.