Since 2011, the comedy masterminds of Improv Everywhere have used flash mob-style schemes to disrupt the tedium of life in NYC. In 2016 alone, they staged a bizarre time-travel scenario on a local train and mortified passengers all over town with the annual No Pants Subway Ride. For the latest Improv Everywhere mission, founder Charlie Todd and his co-conspirators threw a fake graduation in Bryant Park—and invited strangers off the street to deliver commencement speeches. It looks like the mission seems to have produced interesting results.
After a group of robe-clad performers took their respective seats as graduates and faculty of the nonsense Big Apple University, ensemble member Ryan Karels took to the park with a sign reading "Commencement Speaker Needed." Then, things got interesting.
A panoply of diverse speakers took the stage, including pre-schoolers, an adult who mispronounced Susan Sontag's name, and a speaker who delivered her address entirely in Spanish.
To check out more epic Improv Everywhere Missions or to become an agent, head to their site.